Install Subcommands

Install the dependencies of third-party themes and plugins.

Note Some commands will generate a composer.json file if one does not currently exist


Install the Composer dependencies of third-party plugins.

wp composer install plugins


Let's say that your site has the plugin bu-versions and that plugin has a composer.json file. You can install that plugin's dependencies, if those dependencies are not currently installed.

# Install the dependencies of all of the currently installed plugins
wp composer install plugins

Note This does not currently install dependency plugins needed by other plugins (e.g. an running this command on an Advanced Custom Fields Add-On will not install the Advanced Custom Fields plugin onto a site. This is something I will be working on in the future).


Install the Composer dependencies of third-party themes.

wp composer install themes


Let's say that your site has the theme example-theme and that theme has a composer.json file. You can install that theme's dependencies, if those dependencies are not currently installed.

# Install the Composer dependencies of all of the currently installed themes
wp composer install themes

Note This does not currently install a parent theme of a Child-theme (e.g. an running this command on a child-theme of twentysixteen will not install the twentysixteen theme onto a site. This is something I will be working on in the future).


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